Case Report

Fitting of scleral contact lenses for Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration

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1 M.Sc. Clinical Optometry
2 Kontaktlinseninstitut Nolze, Wien, Austria
Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration
pellucide marginal corneal degeneration
scleral lenses

Purpose. This case report describes the possible visual rehabilitation with scleral lenses of a patient with Terrien’s marginal degeneration with different degrees of progression between the right and left eye.

Material and Methods. Scleral contact lenses were fitted with the help of corneal tomography and by observing and assessing the fit of measuring lenses. A slit lamp with a corresponding camera helped to modify the diagnostic lenses.

Results. In this case, the fitting of scleral contact lenses resulted in an improvement in distance vision in both the right and left eye. Near vision could not be evaluated at the time of writing.

Conclusion. Scleral contact lenses can be a good alternative to glasses for complex corneas to improve visual performance. It is recommended to use a slit lamp with a camera to make it easier to discuss scleral contact lenses modifications with the manufacturer of the lenses.

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