OCL Journal Archive

Focus: Enviroment and Eye
Year 5 Issue 2 (March 2025)
- Editorial: Continuing Optometric Education (COE) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Keratoconjunctivitis photoelectrica: Mini-Review (Article in German) - Michael Bärtschi
- Periocular basal cell carcinoma (Open Access) - Evan Canellos, Harriette Canellos
- Contact lens rehabilitation of one eye using a contact lens piggyback system after varicella zoster virus keratitis (COE + Article in German) - Michaela Rost-Krammer
- Analysis of attitudes of contact lens practitioners towards sustainability and plastic use with contact lenses (Article in German) - Jennifer Veil, Laura Hanenberg, Anna Nagl

Focus: Anterior Eye Segment
Year 5 Issue 1 (January/February 2025)
- Editorial: Pioneers in Optometry - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Retrospective study to validate and develop an objective assessment of the degree of eye redness using video topographers (Open Access) - Wolfgang Sickenberger, Sebastian Marx
- Moxifloxacin induced corneal edema (Open Access) - Naida Jakirlic, Philip Kwok
- Advancing Statistical Literacy in Eye Care: A Series for Enhanced Clinical Decision-Making (COE + Open Access) - Daniela Oehring, Pedro Miguel Serra

Focus: Eye trauma
Year 4 Issue 10 (December 2024)
- Editorial: Eye trauma - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- In the wrong place at the wrong time – a case study (COE + Article in German) - Amelie Gabel-Pfisterer
- Congenital cataract and pseudophakia – myopia control in an unusual initial condition (Article in German) - Ulrike Kloevekorn-Fischer
- Visual Rehabilitation with RGP Iris Print Contact Lenses after Screwdriver Trauma (Article in German) - Kai Konrad
- Blunt Force Trauma (Open Access) - Jasmine Nouravi, Sherry J. Bass
- Eye Injuries during Sport: an interview with Gernot Jendrusch (Interview in German) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Dog bite injuries in children: A special focus on injuries to the face and eye area (Scientific News in German) - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Contact lens case reports
Year 4 Issue 9 (November 2024)
- Editorial: Contact lense research today - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Literature review and evaluation of the methods relating to the surface friction of soft contact lenses (COE - Open Access) - Nele Förster, Wolfgang Sickenberger, Sebastian Marx
- Impaired Vision in Contact Lens Practice (Article in German) - Rainer Bronner
- Scleral lens fitting after paediatric limbal dermoid removal (Open Access) - Lynne Speedwell, Shreeti Lakhani, Emma McVeigh
- Orthokeratology for high myopia (Open Access) - Anna Bong

Focus: Keratoconus and ectatic corneal diseases
Year 4 Issue 8 (October 2024)
- Editorial: Keratoconus in children - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- A Review on current developments in early ectasia detection – the corneal biomechanical analysis (COE + Open Access) - Robert Herber, Frederik Raiskup
- Globe Subluxation in the Specialty Contact Lens Practice (Open Access) - Kishan Patel, Anisa Gire. Jan P. G. Bergmanson
- Scleral contact lens treatment for corneal contact lens intolerance after keratoplasty (Article in German)- Tim Schwarz, Eric Rein
- Efficacy of transcutaneous periorbital electrical stimulation using quantum molecular resonance (QMR) in keratoconjunctivitis sicca (Article in German)- Sandra Kroll, Manuela Knisch, Anja Liekfeld

Focus: Binocular Vision
Year 4 Issue 7 (September 2024)
- Editorial: Binocular vision and research - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- How disruptive are monocular reading conditions really? (Open Access) - Stephanie Jainta, Joelle Joss
- Optometric Vision Therapy (COE + Article in German) - Katharina Keller, Kristina Schulmeister
- Contact lens treatment for severe sicca with suspected alacrimia in a six-year-old child - (Article in German) - Nina Mueller
- Fitting of scleral contact lenses for Terrien’s marginal corneal degeneration (Article in German) - Stefan Guba
- Virtual reality-based visual field training improves navigation performance in retinitis pigmentosa (Scientific News in German) - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Research papers from European colleges/universities
Year 4 Issue 6 (July/August 2024)
- Editorial: Research in optometry - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Objective measurement of intraocular lenses using the VirtIOL device (Open Access) - Lena Petzold, Sebastian Marx, Wolfgang Sickenberger
- Validation of selected tablet apps for determining visual acuity (COE + Open Access) - Rebecca Velmans, Kathi Savioli, Holger Dietze
- Intraocular lenses for patients with age-related macular degeneration (Open Access) - Sarah Tölle (geb. Wolffs), Uwe Oberheide
- Do MCH prisms change asthenopic complaints when reading? (Open Access) - Joëlle Joss, Stephanie Jainta

Focus: Contact lens Update
Year 4 Issue 5 (June 2024)
- Editorial: OCL Call for Papers - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- International perspectives in contact lens fitting (Article in German) - Sven Jonuscheit
- Piggyback contact lens systems: an update (COE + Article in German) - Mario Rehnert, Stefan Bandlitz
- Comparison of axial length, keratometry and refraction between DNEye Scanner 2+ and Myopia Master (Open Access)- Lara Kirschner, Philipp Hessler, Stephan Degle
- Comparison of Refraction Data and Visual Acuity With and Without Cyclopentolate in Children and Young Adults (Open Access) - Ilka Kobelt, Philipp Hessler, Josefine Dolata, Stephan Degle

Focus: Myopia Update
Year 4 Issue 4 (May 2024)
- Editorial: Myopia in research and clinical practice - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Myopia Management Need in Germany (Open Access) - Arne Ohlendorf, Maria Jose Barraza-Berna, Christina Boeck-Maier, Pablo Sanz Diez, Timo Kratzer, Siegfried Wahl
- Mechanism of action of blue light stimulation of the blind spot in progressive myopia (COE + Article in German) - Jens Ellrich, Tim Schilling
- Longitudinal Study on Myopia Progression Considering Axial Length and Refraction in Caucasian Students (Open Access) - Katharina Keller, Philipp Hessler, Stephan Degle
- Myopia management from child to adult based on a case report (Article in German) - Michael Baertschi, Michael Wyss

Focus: Cornea
Year 4 Issue 3 (April 2024)
- Editorial: Postoperative stability of refraction after cataract surgery - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Visual and corneal changes due to orthokeratology (Article in German) - Christoph Zulechner, Anna Nagl, Stefan Bandlitz, Mario Rehnert, Frank Widmer
- Literature review on corneal sensitivity with contact lens wear (COE + Open Access) - Daniela S. Nosch
- A tectonic eccentric penetrating sclerokeratoplasty à chaud followed by partial conjunctival flap surgery as treatment for a peripheral perforated ulcer in Wegener‘s disease (Open Access) - Markus Kohlhaas, Georgios Perdikakis, Gürol Gökel, Ezgi Karadag, Kalliopi Kontopoulou, Sofia Fili
- New Developments in Corneal Cross-Linking for Keratoconus – Enhancing the Shape of the Cornea (Open Access) - Robert Herber, Frederik Raiskup
- Low-level red light therapy for myopia control - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Casuistcs in optometry and ophthalmology
Year 4 Issue 2 (March 2024)
- Editorial: Professional authority - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Visual rehabilitation with a scleral lens in an atypically flat and crosslinked keratoglobus cornea (Open Access) - Markus Ritzmann
- Orthokeratology as a treatment option for nocturnal lagophthalmos (COE + Article in German) - Michael Wyss
- Botulinum toxin for blepharospasm – a retrospective review (Article in German) - Leonie Schmidt, Anja Liekfel
- Straight Flush in the surgical management of nystagmus (Article in German) - Veit Sturm, Christina Gerth-Kahlert

Focus: Verification and Inspection of Contact Lens Parameters
Year 4 Issue 1 (January/February 2024)
- Editorial: VDCO Peter-Abel-Award - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Lens Checking: How Eye Care Practitioners Verify and Inspect Rigid Contact Lenses (COE + Open Access) - Frank Spors, Donald Egan, Dorcas Tsang, An Vo, Joseph Gray, Sylvia Wulf
- Temperature-dependent measurement of soft contact lens parameters (Open Access) - Sandra Schurig, Lucas Armster, Eric Steingruber, Sebastian Marx, Wolfgang Sickenberger
- Pros and Cons of soft contact lens power mapping (Open Access) - Klaus Ehrmann

Focus: Sport & Vision
Year 3 Issue 10 (December 2023)
- Editorial: Hyperopia in children - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Shutter glasses as a training tool in tennis – influence of (image) frequency and dark phase ratio on eye-hand-(racket-)coordination (COE + Open Access) - Gernot Jendrusch, Nina Binz, Petra Platen
- Visual skills in sport – an overview (Article in German) - Andreas Hartwig
- Office workers with dry eye symptoms: workplace environment satisfaction and lifestyle effects (Open Access) - Mirjam van Tilborg, Paul Murphy, Katharine S. Evans, Helianthe S. M. Kort
- Methods of visuomotor training for athletes/competitive athletes (Article in German) - Jennifer Müller, Oliver Kolbe, Kathleen S. Kunert, Wolfgang Sickenberger

Focus: Gene therapy for hereditary corneal and retinal diseases
Year 3 Issue 9 (November 2023)
- Editorial: Neuroadaptation: multifocal contact lenses and IOLs - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Clinical application of high-throughput sequencing (next-generation sequencing, NGS) in the diagnosis of Usher syndrome (COE + Article in German) - Ann-Sophie Hoeing, Alexander E. Volk, Hanno J. Bolz
- A Case Series of Occult Macular Dystrophy (Open Access) - Stephen Dellostritto, Sarah Gleason, Sherry Bass
- Orthokeratology in road traffic – a pilot study (Open Access) - Stefan Bandlitz, Jessica Gruhl, James S. Wolffsohn
- Therapieansätze bei Netzhauterkrankungen Interview: an interview with Stefanie Wohl (Interview in German) - Wolfgang Cagnolati

Focus: Scleral Lenses
Year 3 Issue 8 (October 2023)
- Editorial: Education and science communication in optometry - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Analysis of Corneo-scleral Measurements and Ocular Biometry as Predictors of Scleral Lens Parameters: A Review (COE + Open Access) - Daddi Fadel, Alejandra Consej
- Scleral Shape and Its Correlation With Corneal Topographic Parameters: A Review (Open Access) - Daddi Fadel, Alejandra Consej
- Keratoconus, scleral lenses and glaucoma drainage implant (Article in German) - Gustav Poeltner
- Problem solving in complicated corneal conditions: scleral lenses and their fitting with new modern measurement methods (Article in German) - Simon Jaekel

Focus: Peripheral retinal diseases
Year 3 Issue 7 (September 2023)
- Editorial: Sicht.Kontakte 2023 - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Genetic counselling and gene analysis in patients with hereditary ocular diseases (Open Access) - Claudia Gruenauer-Kloevekorn, Anica Winges, Mirjam Stoye, Andrea Waibel, Saskia Biskup, Katrin Hoffmann, Pablo Villavicencio-Lorini
- Surgical therapy of tear-reduced retinal detachment - a clinical and historical view (COE + Article in German) - Ameli Gabel-Pfisterer
- Retinal tear - optometric management (Article in German) - Brian Froehlich

Focus: Research results from European colleges/universities
Year 3 Issue 6 (July/August 2023)
- Editorial: Two years Optometry & Contact Lenses - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Change in objective bulbar redness and symptoms after refit of weekly and monthly lenses into a water-gradient daily disposable lens material (Open Access)- Sebastian Marx, Katharina Keller, Stefan Schwarz, Wolfgang Sickenberger
- A new method for determining the shape of the sclera (Open Access) - Manfred Bufler
- The use of the telecentric beam path in ophthalmic optics to determine the corneal vertex distance (Article in German) - Julien Fourmont, Ulrike Grömping, Stephan Reiß
- Direction of gaze-dependent visual acuity determination for correctly and incorrectly centred single vision aspheric lenses (COE + Article in German) - Nicole Rinke, Stephan Reiß, Christoph von Handorff

Focus: AMD Update
Year 3 Issue 5 (June 2023)
- Editorial: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Exploring the lived experience of age-related macular degeneration and health care use in Germany (Open Access) - Anne Thier, Christian Wolfram, Oliver Zeitz, Christine Holmberg
- Method(s) and application of visual training in practice for patients with central visual field defects (Open Access)- Johanna Lahne, Kathleen S. Kunert
- New developments in the therapy of dry and neovascular age-related macular degeneration (COE + Open Access) - Leon von der Emde, Frank G. Holz, Thomas Ach
- Current status and future developments in optical coherence tomography (Article in German) - Uwe Oberheide

Focus: Paediatric Optometry
Year 3 Issue 4 (May 2023)
- Editorial: Vision screening in children - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Amblyopia prevalence in Europe (COE + Article in German) - Ivonne Krawczyk
- Overview and guidelines for visual disorders in connection with jaw and postural disorders (Article in German) - Michaela Friedrich
- Sequential Multi Modal Optometric Management of Pediatric Nystagmus (Open Access) - Daniella Rutner
- Early detection of uveal melanoma – a case report (Article in German) - Michaela Rost-Krammer

Focus: Contact lenses: research and clinic
Year 3 Issue 3 (April 2023)
- Editorial: Orthokeratology increasingly popular - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Visual Quality Indicators with Multifocal and Dual-Focus Soft Contact Lenses for Myopia Control (COE + Open Access) - Frank Spors, Ching-Ying Cheng, Dorcas Tsang, Mike Chih-Wei Yeh, John Ching-Jen Hsio
- Therapeutic protective bandage contact lenses for blepharophimosis-ptosis-epicanthus-inversus syndrome (Article in German) - Michael Baertschi
- Orthokeratology in Hyperopia and associated Presbyopia – a Case Report (Article in German) - Rainer Bronner
- RGP contact lenses, retinal hole and choroidal nevi (Open Access) - Wolfgang Cagnolati, Bastian Cagnolati

Focus: Contact lens materials and contact lens hygiene
Year 3 Issue 2 (March 2023)
- Editorial: Contact lens-associated keratitis - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Contact lens hygiene – a literature review (Article in German) - Andreas Hartwig
- Contact lens hygiene – small effort, large impact (Article in German) - Yasna Glauser und Eva Neuenschwander
- Contact lenses as promising therapeutic agents (COE + Open Access) - Joachim Storsberg, Olivia Mauger, Saadettin Sel
- Covid-19 pandemic: Recommendations for infection control in optometry practices (Open Access) - Axel Kramer und Roald Papke

Focus: Case reports in optometry and ophthalmology
Year 3 Issue 1 (January/February 2023)
- Editorial: Case reports in optometry and ophthalmology - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- A Case of Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy and its Association with COVID-19 (COE + Open Access) - Elise Hoi, Sherry Bass
- West African Crystalline Maculopathy: A Case Report (Open Access) - Imad Rahman
- Rhopressa Clinical Use: A Case Series (Open Access) - Andrew Meagher, G. Richard Bennet
- Normal Tension Glaucoma – A Case Report (Article in German) - Martin Groll, Bryan Apel

Focus: Artificial Intelligence and Eye Care
Year 2 Issue 10 (December 2022)
- Editorial: 100 years of American Academy of Optometry - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Artificial Intelligence in Glaucoma: A Literature Review (Open Access) - Jessica Steen
- Development of a concept for visual acuity determination with the plusoptix - Lena Arway
- Concomitant Keratoconus and Fuchs’ Endothelial Dystrophy- A Case Report (COE + Open Access) - Amber Nichols, Jan P.G. Bergmanson
- Perforating corneal injury, scleral rupture and mini-scleral contact lenses (Open Access) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- AI systems in medicine and their practical implementation in ophthalmology (Article in German) - Stephanie Muehlberg

Focus: Glaucoma
Year 2 Issue 9 (November 2022)
- Editorial: Glaucoma - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- The Role of the Ciliary Body in Aqueous Humor Formation (COE + Open Access) - Thomas F. Freddo
- Diagnosis and therapy of primary vascular dysregulations and Flammer syndrome in glaucoma patients (Open Access) - Josef Flammer, Katarzyna Konieczka
- Perimetric early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma (Open Access) - Carl Erb, Ione Chrousos
- Practice case: Correctly assessing disease risks (Open Access) - Carolin Truckenbrod

Focus: Presbyopia, Causes and Management
Year 2 Issue 8 (October 2022)
- Editorial: Uncorrected hyperopia and school performance - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Is accommodation restorable? (Article in German) - Holger Lubatschowski
- EDOF, trifocal IOL or monovision ... which is better? (Article in German) - Anja Liekfeld
- Presbyopia – management with multifocal contact lenses (Article in German) - Stefan Schwarz
- Pilot Study to Assess Visual Acuity and Stereopsis in Anisometropic Amblyopic Adolescents and Adults after Contact Lens Correction (COE + Open Access ) - Anna Bachmann, Hannu Laukkanen, Anna Nagl

Focus: Ocular manifestations of neurodegenerative diseases
Year 2 Issue 7 (September 2022)
- Editorial: SICHT.KONTAKTE 2022
- Visual evoked potentials in neurological diseases (COE + Article in German) - Janine Rolfs
- Ocular manifestations of neurodegenerative demyelinating diseases (Open Access) - Kelly A. Malloy, Erin M. Draper, Ashley Kay Maglione, Tina Zeng, Elizabeth Marunde, Kiera Jeschke
- Genetic prediction of myopia in different ethnic ancestries (Open Access) - Neema Ghorbani Mojarrad, Denis Plotnikov, Cathy Williams, Jeremy A. Guggenheim

Focus: Orthokeratology
Year 2 Issue 6 (July/August 2022)
- Editorial: One year Optometry & Contact Lenses (OCL) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Microbacterial keratitis: how safe is orthokeratology today? (Article in German)- Rainer Bronner
- Short-term effect of Ortho-K on axial length and choroidal thickness (COE + Open Access) - Iva Klimešová, Christian Kempgens
- Presbyopia management using orthokeratology (Article in German)- Michael Wyss
- 20 years of "sleeplens" orthokeratology: an interview with Wolfgang Laubenbacher (Interview in German) - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Peer Review: Purpose, Application, and Relevance to Optometry and Science Communication (Article in German) - Sven Jonuscheit, Wolfgang Cagnolati, Michael Bärtschi, Heiko Pult
- Clinical Ocular Anatomy & Physiology - John Lawrenson

Focus: Keratoconus and ectatic corneal diseases
Year 2 Issue 5 (June 2022)
- Editorial: Keratoconus and contact lenses - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Biomechanics of the cornea in keratoconus and other corneal ectasias (COE + Open Access) - Andreas Berke
- Effect of phospholipid-containing eye drops on the de-wetting behaviour of soft contact lenses (Open Access) - Sebastian Marx, Stanislav Baluschev, Wolfgang Sickenberger
- Refitting of rigid gaspermeable contact lenses for keratoconus to improve wearing comfort (Article in German) - Tobias Ecke
- Contact lens treatment for visual rehabilitation in advanced kertoconus and after "MyoRing" inplantation (Article in German) - Simon Jäkel

Focus: Binocularvision
Year 2 Issue 4 (Mai 2022)
- Editorial: Fixation Disparity - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Update on Fixation Disparity (COE + Article in German) - Volkhard Schroth
- Why testing vergence is so complicated – the subjective and objective fixation disparity (Article in German) - Wolfgang Jaschinski
- Do MCH prisms change the binocular advantage when reading? (Open Access) - Joëlle Joss, Stephanie Jainta
- Eye examinations in school children with autism spectrum disorder: a case series to assess strategies and assistive devices (Open Access) - Rachel A. Coulter, Erin Jenewein, Yin Tea, Gregory Fecho, Annette Bade, Jacqueline Rodena

Focus: Research papers from German-speaking universities
Year 2 Issue 3 (April 2022)
- Editorial: Vision Research - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Current status of the topography of the sclera: a literature review (COE + Open Access) - Stefan Bandlitz
- Checking selected visual functions of drivers (Article in German) - Romy Hildebrand, Sascha Reichel, Stephan Reiß
- Blue light filters and their effect on the pupil light reflex (Article in German) - René Freiherr von Künßberg, Herbert Plischke, Werner Eisenbarth
- Evaluating treatment effectiveness in a case series of myopia patients (Open Access) - Stephanie Kearney, Dirk Seidel, Mhairi Day

Focus: Dry eye
Year 2 Issue 2 (March 2022)
- Editorial: New guideline for optometrists registered in the UK - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- MGD Treatment using Intense Pulsed Light and Low Level Light Therapy - (Open Access) Claudio Jäger, Sebastian Marx, Julia Eckstein, Wolfgang Sickenberger
- Review of the tear film measurements of a multifunctional instrument (COE + Open Access) - Heiko Pult
- EvoTears – LipoNit: comparison of two lipid-containing supplements (Article in German) - Fabian Wegmann, Marion Köchli, Andrea Müller-Treiber
- Research in the field of dry eye: an interview with Jennifer P. Craig (Interview in German) - Heiko Pult
- Mask-associated dry eye (Scientific News in German) - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Diabetes and eye
Year 2 Issue 1 (January/February 2022)
- Editorial: Diabetes and Eye - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Risk factors for the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy (Open Access) - Ameli Gabel-Pfisterer
- Possible ocular effects of anti-diabetes medications, and their relevance to contact lens wear (Open Access) - Michael J. Doughty
- The impact of diabetes mellitus and hyperglycaemia on the refractive status of the eye (COE + Open Access) - Sven Jonuscheit
- Fast progression to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (Open Access) - Matthew D. Bovenzi, Jerome Sherman, Sherry J. Bass
- The importance of vitamin D3 for body and eye (Scientific News in German) - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Different disciplines
Year 1 Issue 5 (December 2021)
- Editorial: Broad range of issues in the field of Eye Care -Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Myopia control: current strategies (Article in German) -Marc Schubert, Julia Schubert
- Changes in the NPC in patients with convergence insufficiency after I.F.S. visual therapy (COE + Open Access) -Eva Neuschwander, Laura Rohrbach, Volkhard Schroth
- Effects on the anterior eye segment when docking a femtosecond laser to the patient interface (Open Access) - Sivan Traeger, Kathleen S. Kunert, Thomas Kohnen, Myriam Böhm, Eva Hemkeppler, Adrian Noll
- Prototype of a screen colour test (Article in German) - Emanuele Kaeser, Maria Sehmisch
- Application and Benefits of Virtual Reality (VR) for Amblyopia (Scientific News in German) - Stephanie Mühlberg

Focus: Telemedicine and physiology of the eye
Year 1 Issue 4 (November 2021)
- Editorial: Continuing Optometric Education - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Telemedicine and artificial intelligence related to vision screening (Open Access) – Heinrich Aderneuer
- The influence of accommodation on choroidal thickness: a pilot study (COE + Open Access) – Lukas Reeß, Holger Dietze
- 24-hour fluctuations in intraocular pressure as an independent risk factor for primary open-angle glaucoma (Open Access) – Carl Erb
- The importance of the edge profile in fitting soft contact lenses: an update (Article in German) - Andreas Hartwig, Mirko Tamm

Focus: Anterior segment of the eye and visual functions
Year 1 Issue 3 (October 2021)
- Editorial: OCL Call for Papers - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Clinical comparison between a newly developed prototype method for measuring corneal sensitivity and the current gold standard (COE + Open Access)- Tobias Bracher, Daniela Nosch, Roland Joos
- The influence of blue-light-filtering lenses on colour perception (Article in German) - Mareike Hübner, Christoph von Handorff
- Non-Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (Open Access) - Matjaž Mihelčič
- Optical rehabilitation of one eye by scleral lens fitting after sulphuric acid injury (Article in German) - Annika Maxam

Fcous: Myopia
Year 1 Issue 2 (September 2021)
- Editorial: Myopia in the sign of the time - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Prevalence of myopia in children and adults in Europe and North America (COE + Open Access) - Andreas Berke
- Pathological myopia and the risk of structural complications with visual impairment (Article in German) - Stephanie Muehlberg
- Myopia treatment with low-dose atropine in clinical practice (Open Access) - Hakan Kaymak, Birte Graff, Frank Schaeffel, Achim Langenbucher, Berthold Seitz, Hartmut Schwahn
- Use of +3 spectacles in early childhood vision screening with the PlusOptix A12R (Article in German) - Jennifer Knepper, Bernhard Peuckert
- Artificial intelligence in ophthalmology - the value of artificial neural networks (Open Access) - Stephanie Muehlberg

Focus: Visual defects and refraction
Year 1 Issue 1 (July/August 2021)
- Editorial: Optometry & Contact Lenses (OCL) - now reality - Wolfgang Cagnolati
- Refractive status in a German pediatric cohort: A cross-sectional Analysis of the LIFE Child data (Open Access) - Manuela Brandt, Christof Meigen, Carolin Truckenbrod, Mandy Vogel, Tanja Poulain, Anne Jurkutat, Franziska G. Rauscher, Wieland Kiess
- Postoperative stability of refractive error after cataract surgery (Open Access) - Holger Dietze, Marina Kruse
- An analysis of the anterior segment of the eye with the Oculus Pentacam Corneo-Scleral Profile Report (Article in German + COE) - Yvonne Gier, Mario Rehnert, Frank Widmer, Anna Nagl
- Scleral lens fitting and corneo-scleral profile (Article in German) - Stefan Schwarz