Case Report

Contact lens rehabilitation of one eye using a contact lens piggyback system after varicella zoster virus keratitis

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1 M.Sc.
2 Optik Meirandres, Gauting, Germany
Varicella zoster virus keratitis
stromal cornea stars
piggyback contact lens system
optical rehabilitation

Purpose. This case report describes the optical rehabilitation of the right eye of a 62 years old female patient by using a piggyback contact lens (PBCL) system after varicella-zoster-virus keratitis associated with a high sensitivity to light.

Material and Methods. To achieve a stable fit of the gas permeable rigid lens a piggyback system according to Giefer was used. After fitting the soft carrier lens, a new corneal topography was taken by the Oculus keratography, to calculate the back surface geometry of the RGP contact lens. The contact lens fit was assessed by interpreting the fluorescein pattern and the centering of the contact lenses.

Results. With the PBCL system, a sufficient visual acuity of 0.1 logMAR was achieved on the right eye, in combination with progressive glasses. In addition to the appropriate contact lens geometry, physiological tolerance and the subjective satisfaction of the patient were important for successful fitting.

Conclusion. A PBCL system is a safe and effective method for treating irregular corneal shapes by contact lenses. It helps our patient to manage her everyday life much better.

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