Review Article

International perspectives in contact lens fitting

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1 Ph.D., M.Sc.
2 Department of Vision Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
International contact lens market
therapeutic contact lenses
myopia control

Purpose: Contact lenses are global health care products (medical devices) and are fitted routinely in many countries. Key indications for contact lenses are the correction of ametropias, myopia progression control, and cosmetic reasons, occasionally also therapeutic applications. The article is based on a lecture that was presented at the VDCO Sichtkontakte Conference in Berlin 2023.

The purpose of this article was to provide an insight into international aspects of contact lens fitting to allow comparisons with contact lens fitting practice in predominantly German-speaking countries and to strengthen the evidence base.

Material and Methods: Subjective non-representative selection of relevant literature.

Results: Assessments of international practitioner fitting preferences are conducted frequently. Contact lens related research is being commonly carried out with the aim to optimise clinical care and to reduce drop-out rates. There are considerable geographical differences in contact lens fitting practice as well as in the assessment of opportunities and risks associated with contact lens practice among practitioners.

Conclusion: Practitioners in Europe hold largely positive views of opportunities and risks in relation to contact lens practice. The published literature indicates that the areas of ortho-K and myopia control are being considered to present promising opportunities for contact lens practice. Further strengthening of the scientific evidence base, e.g. in relation to novel contact lens materials, is preferable to support advancements in contact lens care.

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