Book report
Clinical Ocular Anatomy & Physiology

The production of this book, which has been updated regularly over the last 30 years, is clearly a labour of love by an acknowledged international expert in the field. Although several ocular anatomy texts have been written during this period, they rarely progress beyond the first edition and therefore quickly lose their currency. The textbook is organised into 25 chapters, covering 272 pages. It includes 182 high quality images and illustrations, with exceptional schematic diagrams that will make the text appealing to visual learners.
The text has been clearly been written with the clinician, and particularly the contact lens practitioner, in mind and gives a particular emphasis to the ocular adnexa and anterior eye structures. Opportunities are never lost to emphasise the clinical importance of the structure or physiological process that is being described. An added bonus for the student is the inclusion of 275 multiple-choice questions, which are similar to the format used by the US National Board Examiners in Optometry. Professor Bergmanson is to be congratulated for his dedication in the production of this valuable resource.