Case Report

Optical rehabilitation of one eye by scleral lens fitting after sulphuric acid injury

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1 B.Sc. Augenoptik/Optometrie
2 Contactlinsencentrum Maxam, Rostock, Germany
acid burn
corneal erosion
irregular cornea
mini scleral lens
sulfuric acid
scleral lens

Purpose: The case report describes the optical rehabilitation of one eye by scleral lens fitting after a sulfuric acid related occupational accident.

Material and Methods: Based on the corneal topography determined by Pentacam and other slit-lamp examinations relevant for contact lens fitting, a custom-made scleral lens was fitted on the basis of diagnostic contact lenses. The fit assessment of the diagnostic contact lens was performed by interpreting the fluorescein image as well as the centration behavior of the lens.

Results: With the help of the fitted scleral lens a sufficient visual acuity of 20/25 in the right eye with a stereopsis in connection with a good subjective and objective acceptance could be achieved. This was associated with a professional reintegration.

Conclusion: In many cases of complex ocular injuries, contact lens fitting with scleral lenses is the means of choice for optical rehabilitation of the affected eye. The fitting of scleral lenses requires an experienced practitioner both in the evaluation of the issues relevant for the contact lens design and in the evaluation of the anterior segment of the eye and here in particular the cornea.

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