Case Report

Visual Rehabilitation with RGP Iris Print Contact Lenses after Screwdriver Trauma

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1 Optometrist (FH), Kontaktlinsenspezialist (FH)
2 Eltville am Rhein, Wiesbaden, Germany
contact lens rehabilitation
irregular astigmatism
iris print contact lens
penetrating eye injury

Purpose. This case report describes the successful fitting of a rigid gas permeable iris print contact lens to partially restore iris function, reduce photophobia and correct irregular astigmatism following a screwdriver injury.

Material and Methods. Based on corneal topography and diagnostic lenses, a customized limbal fitted back and peripheral toric contact lens with iris print was used. The contact lens fitting was performed using fluorescein pattern interpretation and various fitting steps.

Results. The fitted iris print contact lens lens reduced photophobia, corrected the irregular astigmatism, re-established the esthetic appearance of the eye and provided a visual acuity of 20/25. The patient was able to successfully return to his job as a train driver.

Conclusion. Lens geometry and lens diameter resulted in a very good centration, stabilization and fit of the lens. Together with the irisprint, an excellent visual and satisfactory esthetic rehabilitation was achieved in the patient.

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