Case Report

In the wrong place at the wrong time – a case study

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1 Dr. med.
2 Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann gGmbH, Klinik für Augenheilkunde, Potsdam, Germany
fireworks injury
eye injury
bulbar trauma

Purpose. The case report describes the consequences of a fireworks injury to the left eye of a 63-year-old man and is also dealing with the whole complex of fireworks injuries in Germany.

Material and Methods. A comprehensive examination of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye including various surgical procedures were performed due to the severity of the injury. This included immediate ocular ultrasonography, radiological diagnostics and surgery under local anesthesia to rule out a bulbar rupture. The surgical procedures included a pars plana vitrectomy, pars plana vitrectomy revision, removal of the silicone oil tamponade and, due to the pain symptoms, several cyclodestructive procedures and enucleation of the eye.

Results. Despite all treatment efforts, 4 months after the injury there was still permanent pain that could hardly be reduced with medication in conjunction with an eye that was completely blind due to total optic atrophy, which is why a prosthetic fitting was carried out.

Conclusion. Firework injuries are a serious social problem. A quarter of all patients with a firework-related eye injury usually require hospital treatment and around 5% of patients suffer a bulbar rupture. From an ophthalmological point of view, a discussion regarding private fireworks is necessary.

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