Keratoconjunctivitis photoelectrica: Mini-Review
Purpose. This mini-review provides a concise overview and review of keratoconjunctivitis photoelectrica.
Material and Methods. The mini-review is based on a targeted MESH analysis on PubMed and the author’s personal high-altitude experience.
Results. Keratoconjunctivitis photoelectrica is an acute, painful inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva as a result of excessive localised ultraviolet exposure to the ocular surface. Historically inflammation has mostly been observed at high altitudes in the mountains, in arctic regions or during arc welding. Nowadays, however, inflammation can also be caused by ultraviolet light sources at public events.
Conclusion. Superficial inflammation is of a temporary nature, can be treated well and usually heals without secondary consequences. Simple precautionary and protective measures provide effective protection against damage.
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